Costume Construction & Craft

Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Summer 2013
Summer Circuses
Summer 2013
While working as a costume intern at Long Lake Camp for the Arts, I was able to construct costumes for three separate circuses. While I had built costumes before, never before have I had to think so much about the flexibility, strength, and stretch of fabric.
First Session: Classis Circus
Second Session: Color Circus
Third Session: Superhero Circus

Winter 2013

Winter 2013

Winter 2013

Winter 2013
'Long Live the King'
Winter 2013
I was recruited to construct two full doublets with detachable sleeves as well as matching pairs of stuffed slops. Here are the two different outfits in a mint green and then deep olive, both displaying small trim accents.
Directed by: Kara Colvin

Winter 2013

Winter 2013

Winter 2013

Winter 2013
'The Three Musketeers' Mask Construction
Winter 2013
A total of 26 masks were constructed for SCAD's production of The Three Musketeers, enough of a demand to have a Mask Crew. Our crew individually cast each actor's face with a plaster base and then began sculpting on top of that. With our paper mache and plaster mixture, each mask weighed as much as a pencil. We mixed our own paints with metallic pigments and added gems to catch the stage lights.
Directed by: Sharon Ott

Winter 2014

Winter 2014

Winter 2014

Winter 2014
'Oasis' Tattoo Craft
Winter 2014
In Vincent Brousseau's most recent dance show, Oasis, water was the primary focus. To add further detail to the tribal feel of the costumes, the idea of a tattoo came into play. The biggest challenge was that this tattoo must be waterproof as the dancers are continuously splashing through the pool. I was tasked with creating the tattoo design and then the further application of our ink mixture onto each performer.
Directed by: Vincent Brousseau

Makeup Design class, Fall 2012

Makeup Design class, Fall 2012

Makeup Design class, Fall 2012

Makeup Design class, Fall 2012
Makeup Design Class
Fall 2012
In my makeup class, we not only learned the basis of foundation and corrective makeup, but also themes that are common within the stage and film. We began with old age techniques before advancing to animals, mechanical, and gore makeup. Some projects required self made stencils while others utilized out-of-the-box materials, such as pepperoni for facial tissue.